Banana Orange Oatmeal

(2 servings)

  • 2 cups orange juice
  • 1 and 1/3 cup quick-cooking rolled oats
  • 1 large banana - chopped
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt
  • 1 pinch nutmeg
In a medium sauce pan, combine juice, banana and salt. Stirring often, bring mixture to a boil. Slowly stir in oats as soon as boiling begins.

Reduce heat to low. Stir in nutmeg. Cover and cook for 5 more minutes - stirring every minute or so.

Serve warm.

Banana Orange Oatmeal Recipe

Note From Mr Breakfast:

I recently made this oatmeal (June 2013). I found it enjoyable, but the orange flavor is almost overpowering. I would suggest using 1 cup water and 1 cup orange juice for the liquid. Then right before you serve, stir in just a little additional orange juice to taste - just a couple Tablespoons works for me. I also added 2 teaspoons brown sugar for just a touch more sweetness.

Serve with a little milk on top for a creamier texture and taste.

Mr Breakfast would like to thank MrSpinach for this recipe.

Recipe number 1670. Submitted 3/14/2006.