Why Eat Breakfast? (The Facts)
By Mr Breakfast- Children who eat breakfast perform better on standardized achievement tests and have fewer behavior problems in school.
- A Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital study of children in Philadelphia and Baltimore schools discovered that students who usually ate school breakfast had improved math grades, reduced hyperactivity, decreased absence and tardy rates, and improved psycho-social behaviors compared with children who rarely ate school breakfast. (Pediatrics, January, 1998; Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, February, 1998)
- Tufts University, in published statement on the link between nutrition and cognitive development in children, recognized that "Children who participated in the School Breakfast Program were shown to have significantly higher standardized achievement test scores than eligible non-participants."
- Eating breakfast has an advantageous effect on late-morning mood, satiety and cognitive performance.
- "Eating breakfast of any kind prevent(s) many of the adverse effects of fasting," such as irritability and fatigue, according to Bonnie Spring, Ph.D. , University of Health Sciences/Chicago Medical School.
- "Breakfast can establish the tone for the next 16 hours (of each day after eating it). Why not treat yourself to a nice meal and a quality hour to collect yourself and focus on what's important?" (Ask Mr Breakfast, Where does the word "breakfast" come from?)
- Eating breakfast keeps you thin.
- Researchers from the National Weight Control Registry, a database of more than 3,000 people who have lost at least 60 pounds and kept it off for an average of 6 years, found that eating breakfast every day was a weight control strategy for 78% of the people in the registry. People who kept off weight long-term also reported eating a low-fat diet and exercising for an hour or more each day.
- Breakfast is delicious.
- A private study by one Mr Breakfast found that omelettes, pancakes, French toast and other foods commonly considered breakfast foods were delicious if prepared properly.
This article was written by Mr Breakfast (aka Eddy Chavey).
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