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Cereal Topics (Bulletin Boards)
Please Note: Every cereal in The Cereal Project database has its very own message board. If your post or interest is about a specific cereal, consider posting on that cereal's page.Please let us know if we've missed any cereals in The Cereal Project Database. Any information you can provide to help prove that a cereal existed would help greatly.
On this bulletin board, we encourage users to post links to cereal boxes they are offering for sale or trade. Just paste a link in the optional URL field to show off your goods, ie. links to eBay auctions, etc. If you're looking for a particular cereal box, let people know and check back soon for possible replies.
This is where people can just chat about cereal.
Most Recent Cereal Topic Posts:
"Hello! I'm selling a complete set of SEALED 2013 General Mills Monster Cereals w/ Retro Boxes! Never opened, cereal still inside and all. Also a box of 2017 Halloween Crunch! Link to FB Marketplace Listing, and I will work-out shipping with anyone interested. Thanks!"
By: BenMorgan (Team Breakfast Member)
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Comment submitted: 9/22/2020 (#2562)
"Hi Mr Breakfast - A new cereal coming soon From KELLOGG'S and LITTLE DEBBIE and it's called Oatmeal Creme Pie Cereal."
By: malcolmw
Board: Missing Cereals
Board: Missing Cereals
Comment submitted: 9/18/2020 (#2560)
"I have a Smurf-Berry Crunch Cereal Box. Wondering what it might be worth."
By: Elfdude
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Comment submitted: 9/12/2020 (#2559)
"Hi! One of these times, I'll get this RIGHT!! My favorite cold cereals were Alpha-Bits, Cocoa Puffs, Frosted Flakes (Kellogg's), Sugar Pops, and Wheaties Bran with Raisin Flakes. If I could, I'd go back to 1962 and stay there FOREVER. Be free. Mark"
By: Mark
Board: General Cereal Talk
Board: General Cereal Talk
Comment submitted: 9/10/2020 (#2556)
"I have two Jeff Gordon unopened boxes of Frosted Mini-Wheats from 1994 and 1995. I also have a 1989 NBA World Champions Cereal Box for Whole Grain Wheaties. What are they worth?"
By: bwilson1214 (Team Breakfast Member)
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Comment submitted: 9/8/2020 (#2549)
"Hello - anyone know where I may find a Jessie Diggins Wheaties Box? They are relatively recent, so this might not be the right place to ask. Thought I'd try."
By: vermeeef
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Comment submitted: 8/27/2020 (#2541)
"JayEBrez – I am very interested in buying the 100+ Wheatie collection but cannot seem to find your contact info. You can reach me at lolajselby2020(at)gmail(dot)com. Let me know!"
By: Lola
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Comment submitted: 8/26/2020 (#2540)
"I have an unopened Fedorov Crunch box, a unopened Stevie's Stars box, and a unopened Wheaties 1998 Women's Olympic Gold Ice Hockey team."
By: Watersman
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Board: Buy / Sell / Trade Cereal Boxes
Comment submitted: 8/22/2020 (#2538)
"[Continued…] I'm not so sure that THE GREAT AMERICAN CEREAL BOOK is right — I saw something (in Internet Archive) about this cereal having been introduced in the 1950s (which I find very plausible). I can say that this cereal's name didn't ring a bell with me — I've been hoping that I'd remember some long, lost wonderful cereal name — that I'd go, "Oh, yeah!!!That's what it was!!! I haven't thought of THAT name for FOREVER!!!!!" Tentatively, I believe that the cereal that Teri and Deb-6 and I so very fondly remember is or was POST BRAN & PRUNE FLAKES. I suspect that it was introduced before 1964 — my guess would be that it was introduced in the 1950s (just a guess, for now!). If it's the right cereal, then the raisin-colored discs that I definitely and distinctly remember weren't dried raisins — they were dried prunes (plums) — prune flakes (which, unless I'm dreadfully wrong, were flat like discs). And yes!! MrBreakfast.com's Cereal Project has a web page for this cereal!!! I'm not sure that I've come up with the right answer. I'd say that the odds are about 50/50. I'll keep (those of) you (who care) POSTed…. I hope that I've made at least one individual happy. Take care, Mark"
By: Mark
Board: Missing Cereals
Board: Missing Cereals
Comment submitted: 8/21/2020 (#2537)
"Hi, everybody! I've been trying hard to identify the delicious cereal that Mom served us when we were little, in the early (and possibly middle) 1960s (Comment #953, below). Well…the book — THE GREAT AMERICAN CEREAL BOOK — that I've been waiting on finally arrived today!!!! I'm not sure, but I think that — at long, long last — I've identified the cereal that I (and Teri and Deb-6) loved so much. I think that it was POST BRAN & PRUNE FLAKES. However, according to MrBreakfast.com's Cereal Project, this cereal was introduced in 1970. If that's really true, then it can't be the cereal that I so fondly remember from my childhood. But, according to THE GREAT AMERICAN CEREAL BOOK, POST BRAN & PRUNE FLAKES was launched in 1964. If so, it could be the cereal that Teri and Deb-6 and I have been trying to identify!! (I think that it is.) There are a number of video-recordings of POST BRAN & PRUNE FLAKES TV ads in YouTube and in Internet Archive. I grew up in the 1950s, 1960s, and 1970s (having been born in 1955). The TV ads that I've seen (and heard) so far are certainly of/from the early or middle 1960s — they're not from 1970. (I'd bet real money on it.) Still…I've always remembered eating this wonderful-tasting cereal when I was very young — no later than in the very early 1960s (1960, 1961, and 1962). [To be continued…]"
By: Mark
Board: Missing Cereals
Board: Missing Cereals
Comment submitted: 8/21/2020 (#2536)
Most Recent Individual Cereal Comments:
E.E. commented on Atlantis Cereal
"This cereal is my sisters childhood and it would mean the world to her if she could have another box."Comment submitted: 9/29/2020 (#25538)
Gen X Oat Flake commented on Oat Flakes (Post) Cereal
"My favorite childhood cereal! I'm 51 now and hope to have it again someday!"Comment submitted: 9/28/2020 (#25537)
Brittany commented on Buzz Blasts Cereal
"Best cereal I've ever eaten. I miss it so much, and get strong cravings for it from time to time."Comment submitted: 9/28/2020 (#25535)

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