Shipwreck Grits
(5 servings) Printable Version
- 1/2 pound bacon - diced
- 1/2 cup dry yellow corn grits - prepared according to the directions on the package
- 5 large eggs - lightly beaten
- 1 and 1/2 Tablespoons butter
- salt - to taste
- pepper - to taste
- salsa or hot sauce to taste
Fry up the bacon. Drain all but one Tablespoon of bacon fat.
Stir in eggs into the bacon and scramble all until eggs are almost firm. Stir in cooked grits, breaking up clumps with your spatula. Add butter and mix all together well.
This is great served with salsa or hot sauce. I tried once putting it a tortilla to make a burrito, but it didn't work well -- something about putting grits in a bread was weird. So if you don't do that... you're in for a great breakfast treat!
Mr Breakfast would like to thank Jazzbo for this recipe.
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