Sher's Rum Raisin French Toast Supreme
(4 servings) Printable Version
- 3/4 cup Rum Raisin Ice Cream - melted
- 3 large eggs - beaten lightly
- 1 Tablespoon dark Rum
- 1/4 teaspoon powdered cinnamon
- 8 to 10 slices of thick French bread or Challah
- 5 Tablespoons finely ground walnuts
- 6 Tablespoons butter
- maple syrup or pecan syrup
Melt the butter in a skillet or fry pan. Dip both sides of bread in rum-raisin mixture. Saute the slices of dipped bread in the butter until golden.
Serve with maple or pecan syrup. May also put a scoop of Rum Raisin ice cream on the side as well.
Sweet, rich and delish! What more could you want on a cold winter morning? (or a warm summer day?). Hope you enjoy. Happy Breakfast!
Mr Breakfast would like to thank Sherbg for this recipe.
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