Breakfast Restaurant Reviews
Buellton, California

Mother Hubbards in Buellton
Mother Hubbards
Ave of the Flags across from Pea Soups

Average Overall Rating:

 (4 out of 5)

Average Coffee Refill Rating:

 (4 out of 5)

Average Expense Rating:

 (2 out of 5)

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Review by: Visitor on 12/28/2009
Overall Rating:  
Coffee Refill Rating:  
Expense Rating:  

It's a hole in the wall sort of place filled with locals who don't make you feel unwelcome. Homemade biscuits and killer home made corned beef hash, okay they are my favorite things for breakfast and the biscuits weren't from a bag nor the hash from a can. Saw some nice omelets go by, but for me



Award Nomination: Best Bargin Breakfast

Review #18860

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Reviews submitted here are meant to pertain to breakfast only. While Mr Breakfast cannot vouch for the validity of each restaurant review, he feels pretty good vouching for the excellent character of the residents of Buellton, California - who are primarily responsible for the review(s) you see above for Mother Hubbards.

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