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Breakfast Research & Statistics
On this page, you'll find news items associated with breakfast. Most significant are research studies that point to the importance of eating a healthy breakfast. You can also refer to this page for information regarding the latest news and trends associated with breakfast products and restaurants that serve breakfast. The items are listed starting with the most recent. If you have information that might be pertinent to this page, please email Mr Breakfast.For additional information about the benefits of breakfast, please see the Mr Breakfast Library.
- February 20, 2020
A German study published in The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism indicated that you can burn about twice as many calories per day if you eat breakfast because your body's absorption of carbohydrates, fats, and proteins might be faster in the morning.
- February 13, 2020
A study from the Cleveland Clinic showed that teenagers between ages 16 and 18 who ate breakfast before school got better grades than students who tended to skip breakfast.
- January 17, 2020
Breakfast vs. brunch. A study from the University of Barcelona in Spain found that eating meals later on weekends than during the week may cause weight gain because your body's metabolic rhythms suffer from small disruptions to normal eating schedules.
- November 20, 2019
A study from the University of Leeds (U.K.) found that students in their mid-teens who ate breakfast frequently had better grades than those who rarely ate breakfast.
- July 19, 2019
A study from the Journal of Strength & Conditioning found that skipping breakfast may hinder your progress in the gym especially when it comes to lifting weights.
- April 23, 2019
A study published in the Journal of the American College of Cardiology found that skipping breakfast is tied to a greater risk of heart-related death. It showed that people who never had breakfast had an 87% higher risk for cardiovascular death.
- April 19, 2019
A study from Sao Paolo State University in Brazil found that people prone to skip breakfast and have late dinners fare significantly worse after a heart attack. Those people have a 4 to 5 times higher likelihood of death, another heart attach or angina within 30 days after hospital discharge for heart attack.
- April 12, 2019
According to a study from the University of British Colombia, a low-carb, high-fat breakfast (like a cheese omelette) may help people lose weight because it stops blood sugar spiking later in the day.
- April 6, 2019
According to a study of 96,175 people in The Journal of Nutrition the more you skip breakfast the greater your risk for having type 2 diabetes.
- March 25, 2019
Researchers from the University of Missouri found that teens who sit down to eat breakfast with family have a more positive body image than those who don't.
- September 4, 2018
Researchers at the University of Bath found that eating breakfast before a workout helps your body burn carbohydrates during the workout and increases the rate at which food is digested and metabolized after the workout.
- June 17, 2018
In a study of 500,000 adults, researchers from health institutions in China found that eating 1 egg per day lowered the risk of dying from cardiovascular disease by 18%. Those who ate 1 egg per day also had a 26% lower risk of hemorrhagic stroke - compared to those who never or rarely eat eggs.
- May 27, 2018
A study from the Medical University of Vienne found that kids who drink fruit juice with breakfast are 50% more likely to be overweight or obese. Kids who drink water with breakfast had a 40% decrease in obesity risk.
- April 27, 2018
A study of 347 healthy adults over a 12 year period presented at the annual meeting of Experimental Biology found that people who skip breakfast more than 3 times a week had a larger waist circumference than those who did not skip breakfast.
- June 22, 2016
A study from Kings College (London) analyzing the results of 28 previous studies found the old saying, "Eat breakfast like a king, lunch like a prince and dinner like a pauper"... to be backed by scientific evidence, noting that keeping calories down late at night is key to combating obesity.
- March 18, 2016
A study from Yale found that it’s better for kids to have two breakfast than to have none. Students who participated in school breakfast programs were less likely to become overweight or obese even if they had breakfast at home before having it again at school.
- February 15, 2016
A study from the University of Bath in the UK found that people who eat breakfast tend to engage in more physical activity in the morning than those who skip breakfast.
- February 4, 2016
A study from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing found that kids who eat eggs for breakfast feel fuller longer and consume fewer calories at lunch than kids who eat cereal or oatmeal.
- January 11, 2016
A study from Osaka University of 82,000 men and women found that eating breakfast decreases the risk of having a stroke. The more days per week participants had breakfast, the lower their risk for having a stroke.
- November 29, 2015
A study of 5,000 kids (ages 9 to 11) by Cardiff University showed that children are twice as likely to score higher than average grades if they start the day with a healthy breakfast.
- November 6, 2015
A study from The Food and Brand Lab at Cornell University found that the majority of people who are "effortlessly thin" tend to eat fruit, cereal or granola for breakfast.
- August 29, 2015
A study of 29 children (ages 8 to 12) from the University of Arkansas found that kids who eat a protein-rich breakfast burn more calories than kids who consume a carbohydrate-heavy breakfast. This was especially true for overweight children. A study from the University of Missouri supported these findings by showing that a breakfast high in protein prevented gains in body fat, reduced daily food intake and stabilized glucose levels.
- August 20, 2015
A study from Louisiana State University found that a hearty (250 calorie) serving of oatmeal for breakfast results in reduced calorie intake at lunch. Participants who ate cold oat-based cereal for breakfast were more hungry and consumed more calories at lunch.
- August 15, 2015
A study about pregnancy and breakfast from Northwestern University found that women who skipped breakfast were 6% less likely to give birth to boys presumably due to lower levels of glucose in their blood. Women who want to have baby boys should never skip breakfast. This supports a 2008 study from the University of Exeter in England that found that skipping breakfast increases the likelihood for a baby girl.
- July 2, 2015
According to the International Journal of Dental Hygiene, teenagers who skip breakfast are significantly more likely to suffer from bad breath than teens who eat breakfast.
- June 4, 2015
A study at Loughborough University (U.K.) found that skipping breakfast can lead to a dip in athletic performance later in the day reducing the effectiveness of daily workouts.
- May 27, 2015
An Australian survey of over 500 teachers revealed that students lose 2 hours of learning a day if they skip breakfast because of lack of concentration and behavior problems related to hunger.
- April 29, 2015
A study from the University of Missouri found that people with type 2 diabetes can reduce blood sugar spikes later in the day by starting the day with a protein-rich breakfast. In March of 2015, Tel Aviv University found that diabetics who ate big breakfasts and small dinners had fewer episodes of high blood sugar than those who ate small breakfasts and large dinners.
- February 20, 2015
According to a National Restaurant Association survey, 70% of Americans wish that restaurants would serve breakfast all day long.
- August 6, 2014
A study from the University of Missouri found that young people who eat a high protein breakfast had noticeable reductions in cravings for sweets later in the day. Additional findings indicated that those eating a high protein breakfast may have better regulation of dopamine, the chemical in the brain that regulates food motivation and reward.
- June 9, 2014
A study from the University of Bath (UK) found that people who eat breakfast burn more calories throughout the day and have tighter blood sugar control than test subjects who skipped breakfast.
- May 31, 2014
A study from the University of Agder in Norway found that children who eat breakfast and dinner with their parents are less likely to be overweight or obese than children in families who do not dine together.
- January 30, 2014
Research from Umea University in Sweden found that teenagers who fail to eat a good breakfast are more likes to become obese and develop high blood sugar in adulthood.
- November 27, 2013
A study from the USDA Agricultural Research Service found that kids who eat breakfast have an easier time tackling difficult math problems than kids who skip breakfast. The test subjects consisted of kids ages 8 to 11.
- November 20, 2013
A study from the University of Missouri found a high protein breakfast helps adult women feel full longer than a breakfast with less protein but similar amounts of fat and fiber. The test subjects ranged from ages 18 to 55. In June 2010, the University released a study showing similar benefits for teens.
- October 24, 2013
A study from the University of Nottingham, UK found that young woman who consume a low GI (glycemic index) breakfast experience higher rates of fat oxidation and feel fuller longer. The low GI breakfast sited in the study consisted of muesli, milk, tinned peaches, yogurt and apple juice.
- October 7, 2013
A study from Tel Aviv University found that dieters who ate a big breakfast and a modest dinner lost 240% more weight than others in the study who had a big dinner and a modest breakfast.
- September 28, 2013
A study from the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found that a big breakfast may help people with type 2 diabetes better control their hunger and their blood sugar levels. The study contrasted subjects that had 33% of their daily calories at breakfast against a small breakfast group that had 12.5% of their daily calories in the morning.
- August 26, 2013
A study from the University of Tel Aviv found that women who ate more calories at breakfast and fewer calories at dinner increased their fertility, showing a whopping 50 percent increase in ovulation rates. The study dealt specifically with women who have polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS).
- August 16, 2013
A survey of women from Galaxy research (commissioned by Helga's Continental Bakehouse) found that women who skip breakfast are often cranky, nauseous and experience low energy levels.
- August 5, 2013
A study from Wolfson Medical Center and the Hebrew University of Jerusalem found that women who eat their largest daily meal at breakfast are far more likely to lose weight and waist line circumference than those who eat their largest meal at dinner.
- July 28, 2013
According to a 16 year study of nearly 27,000 participants by Harvard University, men who skip breakfast have a 27 percent higher risk of heart attack or death from coronary heart disease.
- June 17, 2013
According to a University of Colorado study, overweight women who skip breakfast are prone to impaired metabolic responses (unhealthy spikes in insulin and glucose levels) after eating lunch.
- July 15, 2013
A study from Harvard University School of Public Health published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that women who skip breakfast have a 20% higher risk of being diagnosed with type 2 diabetes than those who eat breakfast daily.
- June 17, 2013
A study from the University of Minnesota found that people who eat breakfast regularly have significantly lower risk of obesity, high blood pressure and diabetes compared with subjects who routinely skip breakfast.
- May 22, 2013
Trend: More hotels are offering free breakfast. According to the American Hotel & Lodging Association, 79% of hotels offered complimentary breakfast in 2012, which is up from 55% in 2010.
- April 23, 2013
According to the What America Eats survey (from Parade and, 77% of Americans eat breakfast at home. 73% of Americans prefer a savory breakfast over a sweet one. More about this study
- April 18, 2013
Market research firm, the NDP Group, found that over the last year the most common foods consumed for breakfast in America were: 1) Coffee; 2) Cold Cereal; 3) Juice; 4); Milk; 5) Bread; 6) Eggs; 7) Fruit; 8) Hot Cereal; 9) Tea; and 10) Breakfast Sandwiches.
- April 10, 2013
A study of 625 children by Dr. Lana Frantzen and the Dairy MAX dairy council found that kids who regularly eat breakfast cereal tend to have a lower Body Mass Index than children who eat breakfast cereal only occasionally.
- April 9, 2013
A study from Jikei University in Japan found that people who skip breakfast have a significantly higher risk of developing metabolic syndrome.
- March 29, 2013
A University of Missouri-Columbia study indicated that young people who eat a protein-rich breakfast are less likely to indulge in unhealthy snacking later in the day.
- February 27, 2013
According to a study from the nonprofit organization Share Our Strength, kids who eat breakfast are better at math. On average, kids who eat breakfast score 17.5 percent higher on math tests than kids who skip breakfast.
- February 10, 2013
A study from the University of Pennsylvania School of Nursing showed children who regularly eat breakfast get significantly higher scores in verbal and performance IQ tests.
- January 28, 2013
Data provided from an app called Eatery (by Massive Health) found that people who regularly consume breakfast eat 12% healthier throughout the day than people who skip breakfast. The application tracks the daily eating habits of the people who use it.
- December 28, 2012
According to the firm Datassential, the following breakfast foods showed the largest increase in popularity (in terms of appearing on restaurant menus) from 2008 to 2013: yogurt, frittatas, oatmeal, burritos, and huevos rancheros.
- December 14, 2012
According to the research firm Mintel, the breakfast food sector has grown 20% from 2007 to 2011 and it is expected to increase another 26% by 2017.
- October 11, 2012
Breakfast benefits dogs too. A study from the University of Kentucky found that canines searched for hidden items more accurately after they've eaten breakfast.
- October 9, 2012
A study presented at the Learning Connection Summit demonstrated that brain scans of children who eat breakfast show more activity than scans of children who skip breakfast.
- July 5, 2012
Researchers at Cornell University found that people who skip breakfast tend to crave more carbohydrates later in the day compared with test subjects who ate breakfast.
- July 1, 2012
A study from the Dairy Research Institute found that people who skip breakfast weigh more and have more unhealthy habits than those who eat breakfast. Those who skip breakfast consume 40 percent more sweets, 55 percent more soft drinks, 45 percent fewer vegetables and 30 percent less fruit than people who eat breakfast.
- June 14, 2012
A study from the University of Minnesota School of Public Health found that people who eat breakfast everyday are 34% less likely to develop type 2 diabetes than those who do not eat breakfast. They are also 43% less likely to become obese and 40% less likely to develop fat around the belly.
- May 24, 2012
A 16-year study from Harvard of nearly 30,000 subjects found that men who skip breakfast are 21% more likely to develop Type 2 diabetes than those who eat breakfast daily.
- May 14, 2012
A study from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center in Louisiana found that people who eat egg proteins for breakfast are more likely to feel full during the day than those whose breakfasts contain wheat protein.
- May 11, 2012
A study of 6,000 students from the Toronto Foundation for Student Success found that students who ate breakfast had better grades and were more likely to graduate.
- April 7, 2012
According to the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition, men who skip breakfast are 20% more likely to develop diabetes. The study of nearly 30,000 individuals showed that even men, who are not overweight and have a healthy diet the rest of the time, could still be at risk if they miss breakfast.
- March 10, 2012
A new study from the Sussex Innovation Centre, Brighton, UK found that eating breakfast improves people's mental performance. 61% of test subjects showed improvements in English and mathematics tests after eating breakfast. Hand-eye coordination was also improved. Breakfast eaters also showed a reduction in anxiety levels when faced with stressful situations.
- February 7, 2012
A new study of clinically obese subjects from Tel Aviv University showed eating dessert for breakfast can lead to weight loss. This surprising conclusion is based on the idea that morning is the best time to consume sweets as the body's metabolism is most active and we have the rest of the day to work off the calories. Subjects who had dessert for breakfast felt more satisfied and were less likely to indulge in sweets later in the day.
- November 28, 2011
A study from the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center found that adult women trying to diet are more successful if they eat a healthy breakfast and avoid mid-morning snacks.
- November 7, 2011
According to a survey by the Local Authority Caterers Association, one in six students (ages 11 to 16) in the U.K. are skipping breakfast. The study concluded that kids are "less attentive" when they don't have breakfast.
- October 4, 2011
A study from Philadelphia's Temple University found that 80% of school children reported eating breakfast regularly. Of those, 59% ate breakfast at home (mostly consuming breakfast cereal), 31% ate breakfast at school and 18% grabbed not-so-healthy breakfasts (like snack chips and soda) from a local store.
- April 1, 2011
A study in the Environmental Health Journal indicates that having a regular breakfast is associated with lower blood lead levels in children. In the study, children who ate breakfast had 15% lower blood lead levels than those who skipped breakfast.
- May 23, 2011
A study at the Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center indicated that daily consumption of whole grain breakfast cereal lowers a person's risk of developing high blood pressure. The study of 13,368 male doctors found a 20 percent decreased risk of hypertension among whole grain breakfast cereal eaters.
- March 18, 2011
According to a recent survey from Food Insight, 93 percent of Americans agree that breakfast is the most important meal, yet fewer than half (44 percent) are eating it every day.
- February 15, 2011
Breakfast is beneficial for teen mothers. A Washington University study of 1,330 teen mothers found that those who ate breakfast 6 or 7 days a week consumed far fewer calories from sweet and salty snacks and from sweetened drinks, and had a lower body mass index than those who ate breakfast fewer than 2 days a week.
- February 8, 2011
Eggs have gotten healthier over the last ten years. According to a report from the USDA, the average egg contains 14% less cholesterol and 64% more vitamin D than an average egg tested in 2002. Improvements in hen feed are most likely responsible.
- January 11, 2011
According to a Georgia Centenarian Study, people who regularly eat breakfast have lower rates of Type 2 diabetes and are less likely to develop heart failure over their lifetime than those who don't. The 21-year study of older Americans suggests that regularly eating breakfast may lead to a longer-than-average life span.
- December 12, 2010
A study from the Rudd Center for Food Policy and Obesity at Yale University showed that children who ate low-sugar cereals were more inclined to put fruit on their cereal (when readily available) than children who consumed high-sugar cereals. Kids in the study also ate less if their cereal of choice was low-sugar. Regardless of sugar content, a relatively equal amount of kids reporting "liking" or "loving" the cereal they chose.
- October 26, 2010
A study of 2,379 girls called the National Heart Lung and Blood Institute Growth and Health Study (NGHS) found that breakfast cereal eaters tend to have lower waist-to-height ratios, an indicator of healthy body weight, lower total cholesterol and lower LDL cholesterol.
- October 18, 2010
A University of Tasmania (Australia) study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that both children and adults who skip their morning meal tend to have overall worse eating behaviors and exercise less than those who do eat breakfast. People who skip breakfast also tended to have higher cholesterol, elevated insulin levels, and larger waist circumferences.
- September 7, 2010
A survey sponsored by Kix cereal showed that 79% of parents eat breakfast with their children. Younger parents, ages 18-34, were most likely to eat breakfast with their children (85%).
- September 6, 2010
According to a OnePoll survey announced in the U.K. Telegraph, breakfast meetings are more productive than afternoon meetings. 67% of the 3,000 respondents said they are more likely to be attentive during breakfast.
- July 1, 2010
According to a study from the USDA and Kellogg's, kids who eat breakfast are less likely to become obese, even if their breakfast of choice is cereal. In the study, 22 percent of breakfast skippers were obese, compared to 15 percent for cereal eaters.
- June 3, 2010
A University of Missouri study found that a protein-rich breakfast helped teens control hunger and eat less later in the day. In the study, adolescents who traditionally skipped breakfast ate morning meals of high-quality protein foods like eggs and lean Canadian bacon. On average, the participants ate 130 fewer calories at lunch.
- May 23, 2010
Breakfast beats all other meals in terms of sales growth in the quick-service restaurant industry. For the fiscal year ended in March 2010, breakfast made up 21 percent of fast food purchases, up from 18.8 percent in the year ended February 2005. Sales of breakfast sandwiches rose 19 percent in the last five years to 3.24 billion annual servings industrywide. (NPD Group)
- April 7, 2010
According to a University of Connecticut study published in Nutrition Research, eating eggs for breakfast might help you eat less later in the day. The key is protein. Subjects were fed an egg breakfast and a bagel breakfast on alternating days - the same number of calories, but the eggs provided more protein. After eating the egg breakfast, subjects ate between 100 and 400 fewer calories for lunch than they did after the bagel breakfast.
- March 31, 2010
A University of Alabama and Baylor College study published in the International Journal of Obesity showed that mice who ate a large breakfast were likely to lose weight as long as high carb and high calorie meals were consumed at breakfast - and smaller meals were eaten for lunch and dinner.
- March 15, 2010
According to Mintel Research, U.S. restaurant chains added 460 new breakfast items to their menus in 2009, an increase over both 2008 and 2007. Many of the new items were value-priced, supporting additional Mintel research that 90% of U.S. consumers spent less on breakfasts in 2009 than in 2008.
- February 11, 2010
A study at the University of Edinburgh, found that over half of 15-year-old girls in the U.K. are skipping breakfast. Only 45% of 15-year-old girls in the study ate breakfast regularly. 15-year-old boys did better at 58%. 11-year-old children did much better at 79% (boys) and 75% (girls).
- December 1, 2009
A study from the Chicago based research firm Technomic found that consumers consider breakfast foods comforting and many, especially women, wish they could eat it at any time of the day. 46 percent of the 1,500 consumers surveyed said they would like to see full-service restaurants offer breakfast throughout the day.
- November 21, 2009
A study in Singapore of 404 diabetics commissioned by Abbott Nutrition revealed that 93 per cent of respondents were aware of the importance of having breakfast, while some 15 per cent were unsure what makes a healthy breakfast for diabetics. 81 per cent of the diabetic patients surveyed relied solely on medication to deal with their condition.
- October 27, 2009
According to a Yale University study, breakfast cereals marketed to children contain 85 percent more sugar, 65 percent less fiber, and 60 percent more sodium than those targeted at adults. Cereal makers spend more than $156 million a year marketing to children. The average American preschooler sees 642 TV cereal ads a year.
- August 31, 2009
From the Nutrition Journal: When eaten at breakfast, rye bread preformed better than wheat bread in helping subjects maintain a feeling of fullness through the afternoon. The breads used in the study contained the same amount of calories.
- August 18, 2009
Research from University of Scranton found that breakfast cereals provide a surprisingly large amount of disease-fighting antioxidants. Researchers looked at the total levels of antioxidants in common breakfast cereals and snack foods and found that many cereals contained a surprising amount of the antioxidant polyphenol. Breakfast cereals made with wheat or corn had the highest levels.
- June 22, 2009
An Australian study published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition found that drinking fat-free milk at breakfast helped study subjects to feel fuller, more satisfied and to eat fewer calories at lunch - compared to another group of subjects who had a fruit drink with breakfast.
- June 10, 2009
Researchers from the Imperial College of London found that the reward centers of the brain respond greatly to high-calorie, fatty foods at lunchtime in study participants who skipped breakfast. The brains of people who ate breakfast were far less likely to be enticed by fatty foods.
- May 14, 2009
The Daily Mail reported that a bowl of cornflakes is just as beneficial as an energy drink for revitalizing tired muscles following a typical exercise session. The findings were based on a small study conducted at the University of Texas.
- May 4, 2009
According to the The Journal of Nutrition, a high-fiber, low-glycemic index breakfast appears to help women burn more fat when exercising. The report was based on a small study of healthy, yet sedentary, woman who began to exercise regularly.
- April 27, 2009
According to a study of 1,089 kids ages 12-to-15-years-old conducted in the Netherlands, children were more inclined to eat breakfast daily if their parents ate breakfast daily. Parental rules regarding the morning meal also played a key role in getting kids to eat breakfast regularly. Source: The Philadelphia Inquirer.
- April 23, 2009
According to U.S. News & World Report, "Women who ate a breakfast rich in carbohydrates that do not cause a spike in blood sugar -- think muesli, yogurt, skimmed milk -- burned 50 percent more fat during a post-breakfast workout than did those who ate a breakfast rich in the kind of carbohydrates known to make blood sugar rise sharply, such as cornflakes and white bread."
- April 9, 2009
According to research reported by the U.K.'s Telegraph newspaper, "feeding children high energy breakfast foods such as porridge at a young age boosts their exams results at school." Children who followed such a diet before their third birthday had improved scores in reading and problem-solving tests compared to their peers.
- August 10, 2008
Eggs for breakfast can be part of smart weight-loss strategy. A study from the Pennington Biomedical Research Center showed that participants who ate two eggs for breakfast lost 65% more weight than participants in the same study who ate a bagel for breakfast, even though the bagel and the eggs contained an equal number of calories. The egg-eaters also lost 61% more body mass and felt more energetic than the participants who ate bagels.
- July 22, 2008
Researchers at the University of Nottingham, UK found that skipping breakfast can raise cholesterol levels and diminish the body's sensitivity to insulin (the hormone that regulates blood sugar) in healthy, lean women.
- July 15, 2008
An article in The Vancouver Province title "How breakfast can help make your skin beautiful" stated that ingesting oatmeal or bran flakes may help reduce acne breakouts. The article referred to a study in which participants on a low-glycemic diet displayed both clearer skin and weight loss.
- July 1, 2008
A study released by the Endocrine Society indicated that eating a complete breakfast could help with weight loss, compared to eating a low-calorie breakfast. The study divided subjects into a low-carb group (who ate 200 calories, 7 grams of carbs and 12 grams of protein each morning) and a "big breakfast group" (who ate 600 calories, 97 grams of carbs and 93 grams of protein). People who ate the ratio of more carbohydrates to protein to fat actually lost more weight in an eight-month time period than the people who ate the very low-calorie diet.
- May 25, 2008
In a study conducted by the American Heart Association (AHA), researchers found that among the 2,831 study volunteers, those who ate breakfast were less likely to be obese and to develop type 2 diabetes than those who did not eat breakfast.
- May 25, 2008
According to a University of Paris study reported in the Journal of Pediatrics, eating breakfast, skipping snacks and cutting down on TV and computer time may help adolescents maintain a healthy weight after they have been treated for obesity.
- May 20, 2008
A University of Guelph study reported in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition revealed that blood sugar levels in subjects who ate a low-sugar cereal jumped 250 percent higher when they drank caffeinated coffee than when they drank decaffeinated. Several spikes in blood sugar a day can have adverse health effects on those at risk for type 2 diabetes.
- April 25, 2008
A study from the University of Exeter in England found that pregnant women who skipped breakfast were more likely to have girls than boys.
- April 24, 2008
The May 2008 issue of the Harvard Heart Letter analyzed several small studies and reported that eating a healthy breakfast that includes whole grains reduces the risk of heat disease.
- April 2, 2008
A survey from Cancer Research UK found that 25% of people in Northern Ireland skip breakfast at least twice a week. 48% of those surveyed said they snack on high-fat or high-sugar foods to compensate for morning hunger. The charity organization warned that unhealthy diets - starting with skipping breakfast - dramatically increase a person's risk for cancer.
- March 30, 2008
A study published in the March 2008 issue of Pediatrics found that the more often adolescents eat breakfast, the less likely they are to be overweight. The study of over 2000 children in the Minneapolis-St. Paul area detailed a direct relationship between eating breakfast and body mass index; the more often an adolescent had breakfast, the lower the BMI.
- March 10, 2008
A study from the University of Minnesota indicated that teens who skip breakfast are more likely to become obese than those who routinely eat breakfast. Over the five-year span of the study, those who skipped breakfast were on average five pounds heavier than their breakfast-eating peers.
- March 3, 2008
Researchers at the University of Minnesota School of Public Health found that teenagers who eat breakfast regularly tend to consume an overall healthier diet and are more physically active than breakfast skippers in the same age group. The study, called Eating Among Teens (EAT), also found that breakfast eaters tended to gain less weight over time.
- February 11, 2008
A study on eating habits in major U.S. cities reported that San Diego, California had the best breakfast-eating habits with 73% of city respondents reporting that they eat breakfast every day. The survey from Jimmy Dean Foods and Zogby International also reported that Las Vegas had the highest reported instance of families eating breakfast together and San Francisco had the highest occurrences of people eating breakfast in the workplace. Of the over 6,000 people surveyed, nearly 50% reported that they occasionally eat breakfast foods for evening meals.
For a more comprehensive look at this study, click here.
- February 4, 2008
Skipping breakfast may lead to iron-deficiency. A Baylor College of Medicine study of more than 700 Louisiana ninth-graders found that 19 percent skipped breakfast. One in three of those who avoided the morning meal had a significant iron shortfall in their diets � double the rate of those who ate breakfast. Iron-deficiency anemia has long been linked with a negative effect on behavior and learning.
- January 7, 2008
A five year study conducted by doctors at at Addenbrooke's Hospital in Cambridge, U.K. concluded that eating large breakfasts can be part of a successful weight maintenance strategy. The study of 6,764 men and women found that those who ate the biggest breakfast put on the least amount of weight even though they consumed the most food through the course of an average day. The research revealed that skipping breakfast starves the body of nutrients and prompts it to store more of lunches and dinners as fat. Energy intake among big-breakfast eaters was highest, while increase in body-mass index, and weight, was lowest.
- December 7, 2007
A study commissioned by Kellogg's found that children in the U.K. are spending over $800 million a year on "chocolate, crisps and fizzy drinks" on their way to school in the morning. According to the study, about 1.3 million primary school students were spending an average of about $3.00 per day on snacks.
- November 18 ,2007
A study by the National Food Service Management Institutes's Applied Research Division at the University of Southern Mississippi found distributing breakfast in the classroom increases consumption, decreases disciplinary problems and increases the focus on academics. Approximately 5 percent of America's schools serve breakfast in class.
- October 22, 2007
A study reported by the U.S. Department of Heath and Human Services revealed that eating a breakfast rich in whole grains, fruits and vegetables may decrease instances of heart disease.
The 20-year study that included 21,000 participants examined the relationship of breakfast cereal intake to cases of heart failure. Patients who ate seven or more servings of whole grain cereal per week saw a 29 percent reduction in heart failure risk.
- September 30, 2007
According to the British Journal of Nutrition, children (ages 8 to 11) who eat a breakfast of low Glycemic Index (GI) foods are prone to eat fewer calories throughout the rest of their day. Click here for more information on the Glycemic Index.
- September 24, 2007
Hotel breakfasts are extremely desirable. A study by the public relations agency Y-Partnership found that nearly one half of leisure travelers and 53% of business travelers were influenced in their choice of hotel by whether or not a hotel served breakfast. Of the business travelers, two-thirds indicated that a hotel breakfast was "very" or "extremely desirable".
- January 22, 2007
Consumer research firm NPD Group reported that consumers eating breakfast outside the home order soda pop with 15.1 percent of their breakfasts, compared with 7.9 percent in 1990. When asked to comment on the statistics, Mr Breakfast said, "That's a drag." He suggests juice, milk and water as healthier alternatives.
- December 26, 2007
According to NPD's annual "Eating Patterns in America" report, some traditional breakfast items eaten at home have declined in regularity over the past 20 years. Toast was eaten at 13% of in-home breakfasts in 2006, compared to 26% in 1985. Coffee is currently consumed at 32% of in-home breakfasts, compared to 44% two decades ago.
Items on the rise are cereal bars, yogurt and carbonated soft drinks. Eggs were consumed at 12% of America's breakfast tables in 2006, up from 10% in 1996.
According to the report, the products consumed most frequently for breakfast in the home (in order) are coffee, cold cereal, fruit juice, milk, bread, fruit, eggs, hot cereal, bacon and hot tea.
Sadly, 45% of those surveyed said they viewed breakfast as a small or mini-meal, with 38% viewing breakfast as full or complete meal. 5% regarded breakfast as a snack and 11% considered breakfast a beverage-only situation.
Research compiled on suggests that people who skip breakfast or treat it as a snack or mini-meal are more likely to gain weight (be unattractive) and perform worse at school and work than those who take breakfast seriously.
- December 2006
The December 2006 Journal of Adolescent Health revealed that teens on the verge of adulthood are more likely to skip breakfast and increase fast food consumption. The report - based on a study of over 20,000 adolescents - supports existing research suggesting that skipping breakfast results in increased risk of weight gain.
- October 24, 2006
Bacon helps women lose weight. A Purdue University study presented at the North American Association for the Study of Obesity revealed that women who added a little lean protein to their breakfast -- in this case, a slice of Canadian bacon added to an egg sandwich -- experienced less hunger during the following four hours compared with those who ate the sandwich sans bacon. Blood levels of the hunger hormone ghrelin also rose significantly less in women who ate the bacon breakfast.
- October 02, 2006
Breakfast is especially important to young women. Researchers at the University of Ulster (Northern Ireland) said memory and attention tests found boys did better when they were a little hungry while girls were best after a satisfying morning meal. "This research suggests girls need a more satisfying breakfast than boys to perform at their best," said researcher Dr. Barbara Stewart. During the test, pupils were fed a breakfast of toast, or beans on toast, and then tested on cognitive ability. As tests became more difficult, those who had eaten beans outperformed students who had been given just toast. The researchers suggested girls benefited most because a breakfast high in carbohydrate and protein helped counteract the effect of a negative mood on their academic performance.
- July 21, 2006
In the U.K., Consumer group Which? found that 76% of 275 breakfast cereals tested have high sugar content while 90% of the brands aimed for the younger market are high in sugar. Among those that contain greatest amount of sugar are Asda's and Morrisons' Golden Puffs, Kellogg's Coco Pop Straws and Quaker Oatso Simple for Kids. Generally, all the cereals tested have medium to low saturated fat content but Sainsbury's Crunchy Oat Cereal (has 20.3g fat per 100g) and Jordan's Country Crisp were seen to have too much of saturated fat. On the other hand, Kellogg's All-Bran was seen to contain 2.25g per 100g of salt. Nestle's Golden Grahams, Asda's Choco Flakes, Sainsbury's Hooplas and Kellogg's Rice Krispies were also noted for having great amount of salt.
- July 8, 2006
According to the Korean Ministry of Health and Welfare, 38 percent of Koreans in their 20s occasionally skip breakfast, while an average 16.7 percent of people among all age groups skipped the meal. About 23 percent of Korean teenagers between 13 and 19, skipped breakfast, as did 17.2 percent of those between 30 and 49, and 2.7 percent of those over 65.
- June 14, 2006
Researchers at the Baylor College of Medicine in Houston studied the breakfast habits of 700 ninth graders. They reported that nearly 20 percent of the young people skipped breakfast. Compared with the breakfast skippers, kids who did eat breakfast were two to five times more likely to get at least two-thirds of the recommended intake of these critical nutrients: Calcium, magnesium, riboflavin, folate, phosphorus, iron, vitamin A, vitamin B6, vitamin D.
- June 7, 2006
Two Texas A&M University Vegetable and Fruit Improvement Center researchers revealed that when orange and grapefruit juice were given to lab rats, it improved their bone strength and prevented osteoporosis.
- May 9, 2006
ACNieslen reported that breakfast cereal sales in the Middle East has grown some 16% in the past couple of years and has frequently been in the top-five fastest growing categories in Saudi Arabia. Kellogg's has a market share of about 50% in the breakfast cereal category across the Middle East. Nestle is the market leader in Saudi Arabia, where it has a market share of about 45%.
- April 22, 2006
The Napa Valley Register reported that President George W. Bush had a breakfast of bran flakes, muffins and fresh fruit during a recent trip to Nappa Valley.
- April 12, 2006
A German clinical trial published in The Journal of Diabetes Care has reported that eating a fiber-enriched bread for only three days improved insulin sensitivity in overweight and obese women by eight per cent. This report adds to growning evidence that insoluble fiber - such as that found in many breakfast cereals - aids in protection against type-2 diabetes.
- April 2, 2006
The Boston Globe reported that at elementary schools where 80 to 100 percent of students ate breakfast, English and Math MCAS scores went up by as much as three points, a statistically significant increase. The basis of the study was the Massachusetts Comprehensive Assessment System test suring the 2003-2004 school year.
- March 27, 2006
A study of 19,000 Americans called NHANES III found: (1) Breakfast skippers are more likely to gain weight gain, because they are more inclined to overcompensate for the loss of key nutrients at breakfast by eating more fat-rich, high-energy foods later in the day; (2) Eating breakfast not only increased the daily dietary fiber intake significantly, but also provided more protective nutrients such as vitamins and minerals; and (3) Eating high-fiber breakfast cereals had a positive effect on keeping the Body Mass Index low.
- March 19, 2006
A study by Dr. K Ramaswamy from the SVT College of Home-Science, SNDT University, indicated that most traditional Indian breakfast items do not deliver enough iron. She noted an urgent need for fortification of food items, as is already done in fortified breakfast cereals.
- March 16, 2006
Maryland Medical Research Institute researchers found girls who ate cereal through their teen years had a lower Body Mass Index.
- March 16, 2006
University of Florida researchers discovered children who ate breakfast had superior nutritional profiles than those who skipped breakfast.
- March 16, 2006
An International Journal of Food Science and Nutrition study reported people who consume breakfast cereal every day reported feeling better mentally and physically than those who rarely fulfilled their need for grains in the morning.
- March 16, 2006
In findings published in an issue of the Journal of the American College of Nutrition, people who ate breakfast had a higher intake of important vitamins and minerals and lower serum cholesterol levels. The study concluded that consumption of breakfast cereals appears to have a positive impact on nutritional status.
- March 10, 2006
England's Daily Mail Newspaper reported that sales of porridge and oatmeal in Britain have soared by 81 percent in the last five years. The British ate 50,000 tons of the oats in the last year alone. By contrast, sales of sugary cold cereals rose only13 percent over the same period.
- March 9, 2006
Bolivian Foreign Minister David Choquehuanca recommended that school children be fed coca leaves instead of milk for breakfast. Mr. Choquehuanca said that the coca leaf has more nutritional substance and gives extra energy. "Our children need calcium, and the coca leaf has more calcium than milk," he said. He also told the Bolivian congress that coca has more phosphorous than fish.
- March 8, 2006
Nearly 90 percent of children ages 6 to 12 regularly eat cereal, according to consumer research firm NPD Group. Two-thirds of them eat sweetened cereals.
- March 9, 2006
The Daily Telegraph reported that porridge is disappearing from the breakfast menus of Britain's prisons. Many prisoners are now served up a "27p pack", containing cereal, bread, jam, tea or coffee and milk. The general consensus among prisoners is that they prefer porridge to the breakfast packs.
- March 8, 2006
The Hamilton Spectator reported that 34 percent of Canadians don't eat breakfast. Of those, 51 per cent say they aren't hungry, while 39 per cent say don't have the time.
- February 21, 2006
The Journal of the American College of Nutrition published a study indicating that eating two eggs in the morning can reduce the amount of food you eat at lunch and the hunger you feel over the next 24 hours.
- February 20, 2006
An argument for skipping breakfast? American scientists at the Yale University found that that hunger impacts the functioning of part of the brain known as the hippocampus, which is known to be essential to learning. Asia New International raised the idea that hunger pangs could then trigger memories and lead to better test results for students.
- February 10, 2006
Euromonitor released a report that revealed consumption of breakfast cereals in Bulgaria grew by 90 percent between 2000 and 2005. In 2005 alone, the market grew by 14 per cent. The report showed muesli as the strongest growing cereal - recording 194 per cent growth between 2000 and 2005.
- February 3, 2006
The Polish breakfast cereals market is forecast to reach a value of nearly $152 million by 2009 according to Food Business Review. The increase is expected to be driven by the ready-to-eat breakfast cereal category, which will account for $149 million of the overall Polish breakfast cereals market by 2009.
- December 29, 2005
A study funded by the Egg Nutrition Center and the U.S. Department of Agriculture found that eating eggs for breakfast instead of a bagel can reduce hunger and caloric intake both at lunchtime and over the next 24 hours. The study of 28 overweight individuals compared two calorically-identical breakfasts, one consisting of two scrambled eggs and two slices of toast with low-calorie jelly, and the other a 3 1/2-inch bagel with cream cheese plus a 3-ounce nonfat yogurt. Previous research had already found that normal weight individuals showed greater satiety from a high-protein breakfast - that's why they used chunky people for this new study.
- December 15, 2005
According to the Food Research and Action Center, 7.5 million kids got breakfast for free or at a reduced price during the 2004-2005 school year - a 5.3 percent increase from the previous year and the biggest increase in a decade. The federal government doesn't require schools to serve breakfast. Some states require breakfasts for certain schools, usually ones with more low-income students. Others offer financial incentives or startup funding for breakfast programs. Data from the U.S. Agriculture Department indicates that over 81 percent of schools participating in lunch programs were also participating in breakfast programs - up from 79.4 percent from the previous year. As promising as this data is, the School Breakfast Program only reaches two in five children who need it, according to the Food Research and Action Center.
- December 6, 2005
A study of nearly 10,000 people by the National Institute of Diabetes and Digestive and Kidney Diseases and Social & Scientific Systems, Inc., found that coffee and tea may reduce the risk of serious liver damage in people who drink excess alcohol, are overweight, or have too much iron in the blood. Those who drank more than two cups of coffee or tea per day developed chronic liver disease at half the rate of those who drank less than one cup each day. The beverages provided no protection to people at risk of liver disease from other causes, such as viral infections.
- November 27, 2005
The breakfast and lunch meat market is projected to reach $9.8 billion for 2005. Sales growth was strongest in 2003-2004, during the low-carb craze. Sales increased 15% between 2000 and 2005. The lower sales growth in 2005 is likely due to reduced popularity of low-carb diets. Newer convenience products like "meat in a tub", precooked bacon and brown-and-serve sausages are included in these figures and projections. Frozen breakfast sandwiches are not.
- November 14, 2005
A study at Brigham Young University found that quick-cooking rolled oats that had been stored 28 years in sealed containers were rated "acceptable in an emergency" in taste and quality by three-fourths of the respondents in a taste test.
- November 7, 2005
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that more than half of all teenagers skip breakfast at least three times a week.
- November 4, 2005
The 2005 Report Card on America's Breakfast Habits from the PTO (a national parent/teacher organization) and the American Cereal Council revealed that 30% of U.S. elementary school students go to school at least one day per week without having eaten breakfast. 20% of the children studied go to school at least twice a week without breakfast in their bellies. The most significant finding was that the chance of children skipping breakfast was reduced by 2/3 if their parents as made breakfast available.
- November 3, 2005
An article in the Evening standard reported that the cost of breakfast at London's top hotels, including the Ritz Piccadilly, had reached as much as $51 (U.S.) dollars per person, noting the cost was as much as dinner with wine at many London restaurants.
- November 2005
A study funded by Great Britain's Sugar Bureau (covered in the November issue of Pediatrics) showed that children who ate a low-glycemic index (GI) meal in the morning consumed significantly fewer calories at lunch than kids on a high-GI breakfast. Glycemic index is a measure of how quickly a carbohydrate raises an individual's blood sugar level. High-GI foods such as croissants and corn flakes (typically highly processed foods) can cause a spike in blood sugar. Low-GI foods, such as whole grain cereals, oatmeal and nutty breads, break down more slowly in the body and tend to be higher in fiber. Thirty-eight children, aged 9 to 13, participated in the study. Researchers devised three test breakfasts of varying GI levels to see what effect they would have on kids' appetite and lunch intake. Children who ate a low-GI breakfast not only ate less at lunch but reported less hunger before lunch than those who consumed the high-GI breakfast.
- November 2005
Did you know... Hotels in Jerusalem are forbidden by Jewish law to serve warm breakfast on Shabbat morning. Shabbat is the weekly day of rest in Judaism. It is observed, from before sundown on Friday until after nightfall on Saturday. Many hotel managers (including observant Jews) consider the decades old law a detriment to their guests, but they decline to address the issue publicly. A few hotel industry representatives have expressed opposition openly but have made no progress in changing the Shabbat laws regarding heating up food. Israeli Prime Minister Sharon has yet to appoint a chief rabbi for Jerusalem. Rabbi Assaf Atzor, the head of the Jerusalem Religious Council and Jerusalem Chief Rabbinate has stated "I am not prepared to change the rules. But in the coming months a new chief rabbi will take office in Jerusalem, and we will discuss the issue with him. Let him decide whether to change the rules or not."
- October 19, 2005
A study of nearly 2,400 girls sponsored by the California Milk Processors Board (also see 6/05 below) published in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association revealed that missing breakfast can lead to weight gain, poor concentration and poor performance at school. The study which followed the girls from age 9 through their teens concluded that girls who skip breakfast are less likely to make up for missed vitamins and minerals during the rest of the day. Additional research found that they're also more prone to weight gain, poor concentration and poor performance at school. By the age of 19, about 75 per cent of the girls were skipping breakfast. At age nine, only 25 per cent skip the meal. Common reasons for skipping breakfast were a desire to sleep more and not feeling hungry.
- October 17, 2005
A study conducted by Papa Murphy's, the sixth-largest pizza chain in the U.S., showed that 75% of 500 Chicago residents surveyed have had pizza for breakfast.
- October 17, 2005
A study by Dr Mark Mattson, from the National Institute on Aging in Baltimore, explored possible benefits of skipping breakfast and lunch and only eating diner. The study followed earlier research that showed rats who ate only every other day lost weight and lived longer than those allowed to eat when they liked. He described his research on people who only eat between 4 P.M. and 7 P.M. as being "promising".
- October 2005
The USDA Food and Nutrition Services defined 5 primary breakfast programs available to school districts: (1) Traditional breakfast: Breakfast is eaten by students in the cafeteria at the same time for all students or in shifts. (2) Breakfast in the classroom: Breakfast is delivered to the classroom and consumed there before school starts. (3) Grab 'n go breakfast: Bagged breakfast is available at sites throughout the school for pickup on the go, during a break or during first period. (4) Breakfast after first period: Breakfast is served and eaten after first period between classes (and finished during second period) or during break. (5) Breakfast on the bus: Breakfast is served and consumed on the bus. (This method is better for students who ride the bus for more than 15 minutes.)
- October 2005
The Washington Post reported that 11 percent of morning meals are eaten out and 6 percent are eaten on the go -- double the rate of a decade ago. The article also noted the following statistics: Nearly a quarter of all breakfast meals ordered at restaurants are eaten in the car, up more than 40 percent since 1993. The breakfast sandwich is the No. 1 item bought at restaurants in the morning. 1 percent of all breakfasts are eaten at our desks -- a meal known as "deskfast". Coffee is the No. 1 item consumed in the morning, whether at home or away. The National Coffee Association says 87 percent of adult Americans are drinking coffee at breakfast, up from 84 percent last year. 39 percent of Americans drank their coffee away from home, a jump of 10 percentage points over 2003.
- October 2005
Market research firm NPD Group indicated that breakfast is skipped more than lunch. Sixteen percent of lunches are skipped, but only 13 percent of breakfasts.
- September 8, 2005
A Michigan State University study co-authored by Kellogg's covered in the Journal of the American Dietetic Association found that women who favored cereal for breakfast tended to weigh less than their peers who opted for other breakfast foods or who skipped the meal altogether. Researchers based their findings on results from a national health and nutrition survey conducted by U.S. health officials in 1999-2000. Of the 4,218 adults surveyed, 77 percent were breakfast eaters, 22 percent of whom favored ready-to-eat cereal. Among women, those who ate cerea,l were 30 percent less likely to be overweight than women who skipped breakfast, even when other factors, such as exercise and total calorie intake, were considered. Women who favored other breakfast foods, however, had results similar to those who skipped breakfast.
- September 2, 2005
The Center For Disease Control reported that instances of children being overweight has nearly tripled in the past 30 years. Over 9 million children in the United States are currently overweight.
- August 30, 2005
A Tufts University study found that children performed better on tests if they had breakfast. The study also highlighted that having a sweet, sugary breakfast was better than having no breakfast at all. This is how it worked: One day, schoolchildren ages 6 to 11 had a breakfast of oatmeal and then took several different tests. A week later, they ate Cap'n Crunch and took several tests. A third week, they skipped breakfast one morning and took several tests. A Cap'n Crunch breakfast was better than nothing but oatmeal was best for improving brain functioning. Students listened better and had better spatial memories after eating a good breakfast.
- August 28, 2005
A study by researchers at the University of Scranton found that more Americans get most of their antioxidants from coffee than any other source, regardless whether the coffee is decaffeinated or regular. The study concentrated on 100 food items. Tea came in second place and banana placed third.
- August 17, 2005
According to the Kansas City Barbecue Society, 14 percent of Americans say they have cooked breakfast on a grill. 43 percent of Americans grill more than once a week, while 3 percent grill every day. 76 percent of grillers include fruits and vegetables as part of their meals.
- August 2005
A recent survey by the National Restaurant Association showed that breakfast growth outpaced both lunch and dinner at close to 40 percent of restaurants surveyed.
- August 2005
The Scotsman News reported that organic porridge is experiencing a "boom in sales" in the U.K. and that porridge is "threatening to knock Weetabix off the number 1 spot of the nation's favorite cereal charts". Demand for Pertwood brand organic porridge has risen 25 per cent over 2004. Supermarkets Waitrose and Sainsbury's reported a 40 per cent increase in sales of organic porridge.
- August 2005
Lutein and zeaxanthin found in eggs protect your eyes from harmful ultraviolet light, and diets rich in these antioxidants can cut the risk of cataracts and macular degeneration (two leading causes of blindness) by 20 to 40%. A study conducted by the Tufts University Friedman School of Nutrition Science and Policy in Boston tracked and compared the amount of lutein absorbed by 10 subjects who consumed nutritional supplements, spinach, and enriched eggs from chickens fed diets high in lutein. The enriched egg increased the level of lutein in the subjects on average two times greater than spinach and three times greater than lutein supplements or lutein ester supplement.
- August 2005
The Omnimas Breakfast Study stated that 57% of UK parents skip breakfast.
- August 2005
The U.K. Office for National Statistics reported that one in five U.K. kids skip breakfast compared to one in four adults who skip breakfast.
- July 26, 2005
A study from the Rochester Center for Obesity Research in Michigan revealed that having an egg for breakfast is more filling than having any other breakfast food, and can help limit your caloric intake for the rest of the day by more than 400 calories. Researchers also concluded that eggs have a 50-percent greater satiety index than breakfast cereal or bread.
- July 8, 2005
New research reported by NBC shows certain kinds of fat can increase a child's brain power. The key is to eat omega-3 fatty acids rather than the saturated fat found in fried foods. Walnuts, soybeans, eggs and tuna are all good sources of omega-3 fatty acids.
- July 2005
The Kids, Food and Eating Behaviors Study by Nickelodeon has found that kids (ages 6 to 14) today have great leeway in deciding when and what they will eat throughout the day - and that only half of them report eating breakfast everyday. The study's findings include: (1) Only 50% of kids report they eat breakfast everyday. (2) Only 39% of kids consistently eat three meals per day. (3) 74% of kids say they choose what they eat for breakfast all the time or most of the time. (4) 68% of parent's say their kids regularly eat breakfast; only 50% of kids say they regularly eat breakfast. (5) 44% of kids say they choose what they eat for breakfast all the time; 31% of parents say their kids regularly choose what they eat for breakfast.
- June 6, 2005
Independent analyst Nancy McGuckin used statistics from the Bureau of Transportation to determine that morning breakfast stops increased 24% from 1995 to 2001.
- June 2005
Among coffee drinkers, the number who buy their joe away from home in lieu of brewing their own surged from 29 percent to 40 percent from 2003 to 2004, according to the National Coffee Association. The number of daily coffee drinkers rose from 49 percent to 53 percent of all Americans.
- June 2005
A study of 4,000 children (ages 2 to 5) by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention in Atlanta revealed that children who don't eat breakfast are at a higher risk for tooth decay. Researchers found not eating breakfast every day was associated with overall tooth decay in a child's primary teeth. The authors say while minority children or those in lower socio-economic groups were susceptible to tooth decay, higher income children were more likely than their less affluent counterparts to have tooth decay if they had poor eating habits. The study was published in June's Journal of the American Dental Association.
- June 2005
In a study on breakfast and teenaged girls covered in the June issue of the Journal of the American Dietetic Association, researchers analyzed information from a nine-year federal health study containing dietary information from more than 2,300 girls who entered the study at age 9 or 10. Their findings: (1) The percentage of girls who ate breakfast on a daily basis dropped dramatically from more than 77% for 9-year-old white girls and 57% for 9-year-old black girls to less than 32% and 22%, respectively, by age 19. (2) Black girls consistently ate breakfast less often than white girls at all age levels. (3) Girls who ate breakfast regularly had a lower Body Mass Index than those who regularly skipped breakfast. (4) Girls who ate breakfast consistently had diets that were higher in fiber and calcium.
- May 9, 2005
According to the Kellogg's Family Health Study 2005, 90% of children say their parents are the most important source of believable information when it comes to food and healthy eating.
- May 2005
Researched from the University of Florida and the University of Minnesota analyzed over 80 studies on breakfast and reported that kids who eat breakfast have better nutritional profiles than kids who skip the morning meal. They are less likely to be overweight, even though they consume more calories overall, and they have better memories, test grades, and school attendance.
- April 2005
A study in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition and the Journal of Nutrition revealed that skipping breakfast can mean skipping vital dietary sources of bone-building calcium and vitamin D. Most bone mass is accumulated before age 20 making calcium-rich foods, like milk, all the more important during teenage years. The Centers for Disease Control recommends 1,300 milligrams of calcium a for healthy bone development in girls. An 8-ounce glass of low-fat milk contains 300 milligrams.
- February 11, 2005
The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that skipping breakfast may lead to weight gain as well as increase the risk of heart disease in healthy people over time. A study showed that healthy women who skipped breakfast for two weeks ate more during the rest of the day and developed higher "bad" LDL cholesterol levels than women who ate breakfast every day. Women who ate breakfast consumed an average of 100 fewer calories per day than those who skipped breakfast.
- February 2005
The February 2005 American Journal of Public Health detailed a Canadian Institute for Health study indicating schools with healthy living programs - which include morning nutrition services - have lower rates of overweight and obese students. The study reflects data collected from 5,200 Grade 5 students in Nova Scotia.
- 2005
Research from University of Cardiff showed that children who eat a cereal like Kellogg's Corn Flakes for breakfast (versus skipping breakfast) are 9% more alert, 11% less emotionally distressed, 13% less tired, 17% less anxious, 10% less likely to suffer memory and attention span difficulties and 33% less likely to suffer from stomach complaints.
- Undated
The USDA Center for Nutrition Policy and Promotion found that children who eat school breakfast eat more fruits, drink more milk and consume less saturated fat than those who don't eat breakfast or have breakfast at home.
- Undated
A Harvard University study indicated that people who miss breakfast are four times more likely than others to become obese. Research showed that a high-fiber breakfast cereal with nonfat milk and fruit can aid weight loss and fight diabetes, heart disease and stroke at the same time.
- April 16, 2004
A study from the University at Buffalo found that a 900 calorie high-fat fat-food breakfast can increase inflammatory factors in the bloodstream. A Breakfast containing the same number of calories but derived mostly from fruit and fiber didn't promote the inflammatory effect.
- August 6, 2003
A study reported by the "Journal of the American College of Nutrition" found that eating cereal (either ready-to-eat or cooked) for breakfast is associated with significantly lower body mass index than either skipping breakfast or eating meats and/or eggs.
- July 2003
Research from Helsinki University on data gathered from 5,500 teenagers and their parents showed that individuals who miss breakfast tend to smoke more, drink more alcohol and take less exercise than those who make time for breakfast.
- 2003
Research conducted by Reading University revealed that a 12 year old who skips breakfast has the reaction time of a 70 year old in the classroom.
- April 30, 2002
Researchers from the National Weight Control Registry, a database of more than 3,000 people who have lost at least 60 pounds and kept it off for an average of 6 years, found that eating breakfast every day was a weight control strategy for 78% of the people in the registry. People who kept off weight long-term also reported eating a low-fat diet and exercising for an hour or more each day.
- November 2001
A University of Toronto study of 22 healthy men and women, 61 to 79 years old, published in the American Journal of Clinical Nutrition in 2001 found that breakfast improved memory. And researchers at the University of Wales-Swansea in Great Britain reported that adults who ate a breakfast of low-glycemic foods such as whole-grain unsweetened cereal, bread or eggs performed better on memory tests in the morning than they did after eating sugary, high-glycemic fare such as sweetened cereals or doughnuts.
- 1998
A Harvard University/Massachusetts General Hospital study of children in Philadelphia and Baltimore schools discovered that students who usually ate school breakfast had improved math grades, reduced hyperactivity, decreased absence and tardy rates, and improved psycho-social behaviors compared with children who rarely ate school breakfast.
- 1996
A study from the University of North Carolina revealed that in 1965, 86% of Americans were eating breakfast. By 1991, that number was reduced to 75%. The age group most likely to eat breakfast: those over age 60 (86%). Those least likely to eat breakfast we ages 18 to 29 (63%).
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