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Ralston >
Great Goodstuff

Introduced in 1969
The Great Good Stuff was described in a 1969 newspaper advertisement like this:
New! Ralston's hot cereal just for kids.
Cooks like magic right in your bowl.
Loaded with vitamins, minerals and protein.
Sweetened with brown sugar and cinnamon - tastes so good it disappears like magic.
It's assumed - though not verified - that the kid-magician who appeared on the box was also named The Great Goodstuff.
Note From Mr Breakfast:
As a practice, we only include a hot cereal in the database if there's something super cool about it, ie. historic, kitchy, etc. This one is included because it's so rarely seen and we liked how adding water to oats is described as "cooks like magic".
Company Description: Ralston was originally part of The Ralston-Purina Company which was formed in 1902. The name Ralston stems from a minor social movement in the late 19th Century called Ralstonism - created by Webster Edgerly. Followers of the movement (about 800,000) followed the motto "Regime, Activity, Light, Strength, Temperation, Oxygen and Nature" - the first letters of which spelled out "Ralston"... Read on and see all cereals from Ralston
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