Cereal Home > Cereal Families > Chex

This our compiled collection of Chex Cereals. You'll notice that the cereals are credited to different cereal companies. Chex cereals were originally produced by the Ralston Purina Company (usually denoted as simply "Raston" on most cereal boxes). The name Chex is actually short for "checkers" which refers to Ralston Purina's famous check board logo.
In 1997, General Mills acquired the Chex line of cereals. While some of the products (most notably Rice Chex, Wheat Chex and Corn Chex) have been around for several decades and survived the transition between companies, other cereals only lasted a few years. See which kinds of Chex cereal you remember.
Featured Cereals In The Chex Family:
Other Cereals In The Chex Family:
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