Cereal Project >
Annie's Homegrown >
Cocoa & Vanilla Bunnies

Introduced in 2008
This cereal is described on the box as a "Toasted Corn & Whole Oat Cereal with Cocoa & Real Vanilla - No Icky Additives or Pesky Preservative! A Good Source of Fiber."
Company Description: This company was founded in 1989 by Annie Withey who the company's website refers to as "an organic farmer, wife, and mother of two." Their first product was an all-natural macaroni and cheese product called Shells & White Cheddar. Throughout the 90's, Annie's Homegrown expanded... Read on and see all cereals from Annie's Homegrown
This cereal belongs to the following Mr Breakfast Cereal Families:
The Chocolate Cereal Family
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