BanaBerry Granola
From: Udi's Handcrafted Foods
Introduced in 2009

This cereal was described on Udi's website as "anti-junk cereal for kids made with real strawberry and banana."

The packaging, designed by Katia Cone, is meant to imply that a kid took a sharpie, crossed out the adult stuff on the package and turned it into a kid's cereal.

Company Description: Udi's Foods was founded by Udi Baron (a former Israeli economist) who launched Udi the Sandwichman in 1996 with the help of his wife and family. Udi's Foods also operates a sandwich catering business, a bread bakery, a pastry shop, and two restaurants, all in Denver, Colorado... Read on and see all cereals from Udi's Handcrafted Foods

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2009 BanaBerry Package
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2009 BanaBerry Package

Submitter: Mr Breakfast
Uploaded: 3/13/2009

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