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Jersey Cereal Company >
Jersey Corn Flakes

Introduced in 1921
Jersey Corn Flake Cereal was a product of the Jersey Corn Flake Co. We know that this product existed as early as 1921. An ad in Cass City Chronicle of Cass City, Michigan promoted a "demonstration" of the flakes and offered a free package of oatmeal when two packages of flakes were purchased for 25 cents.
A cereal box from 1934 offered more information (note the cereal's name had changed from Jersey Corn Flake Cereal to Jersey Corn Flakes):
"Jersey Corn Flakes have that full, rich corn flavor unequaled for taste. Jersey Corn Flakes are made from the choice inner hearts of selected white corn. Steam cooked to tenderness. Evenly rolled into large double-crisp flakes. Deliciously flavored and oven toasted to golden brown.
"These high quality Jersey Corn Flakes will actually stay crisp in milk to the last spoonful. An Inviting variety can be had by serving with bananas, peaches or preserved fruits for breakfast, noon, after school lunch or for a bedtime snack. If you like super-crispness or warm flakes, place in oven for a few minutes."
For this article, we've made certain assumptions based on pictures of old cereal boxes. We are looking for verification, so please post a comment below if you have additional information. We suspect the following:
- Jersey Corn Flake Co. became Jersey Cereal Company.
- Jersey Corn Flake Cereal became Jersey Corn Flakes.
We have confirmed that The Jersey Cereal Company also produced Jersey Bran Flakes and Jersey Rice Flakes.
Click here to see all cereals from Jersey Cereal Company.
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Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Jersey Corn Flakes?

I have an old photo of a baseball player which I believe is from the Cleveland Indians. He has a little boy standing leaning on him holding a small box of the Jersey Corn Flakes. Found this in a hotel while renovating it.
Comment submitted: 11/25/2016 (#21069)
By Shar
I also have a share of stock dated January 22, 1919. I can't find anywhere that it is worth anything. It was issued to my great uncle. Is it worth anything at all?
Comment submitted: 6/10/2014 (#17162)
By Dizzy
Mother and Aunt worked in Irwin, Pa plant when it opened. Aunt worked there until it was closed. I have been looking for information and pictures from that time as all ours were lost.
Comment submitted: 9/15/2012 (#9121)
By Missourigirl
My father was Manager of Jersey Cereal company in St. Joseph, MO. I have great photos of many of those who worked there. The Company started in Irwin, PA moved to St. Joe then sold to General Foods Corp in about 1947. I believe the Mr. Pilgrim was George Pilgrim!
Comment submitted: 8/22/2012 (#8862)
By pdutram
The "Annual Report of the Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture" for 1915 lists both Jersey Corn Flakes and Jersey Wheat Flakes in its "Food Products Analyzed" list.
Comment submitted: 4/18/2012 (#7291)
By Scott Shiley
I have a Stock Certificate for 4 $100 shares of Jersey Cereal Food Co. issued to my grandfather in 1922. The envelope shows a picture of another product not listed here, Jersey Pancake Flour. The envelope also states 'Factories at Cereal, Pa and Milwaukee, Wis.' - Scott Shiley (sshiley@comcast.net)
Comment submitted: 12/17/2011 (#5980)
By Sterling
As a young man I worked at Jersey Cereal Company in St. Joseph, MO. My main job was to deliver large cardboard boxes where ever they were needed, but since I always had extra time and had delivered all of the requests, I spent a lot of time watching the production line of filling hundreds of cereal boxes. One thing that never ceased to amaze me was switching to another brand. The boxes were changed but the cereal itself remained the same. And, these companies were competitors and marketing the exact same cereal. A Mr. Pilgrim was my boss. Sterling Bricker
Comment submitted: 11/12/2011 (#5717)

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