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Breakfast On The Run

Introduced in 1990
Breakfast On The Run was a fun, short-lived product from Ralston Purina. Each package was a self-contained single-serving breakfast containing 1.25 ounces of cereal (specially sealed in a disposable bowl), a half-pint of 2% milk in an aseptic box, and a spoon and napkin. There were multiple varieties with different cereals available. Among the cereal options were raisin bran, frosted flakes and Corn Chex cereals.
The packages were designed to look like frames from an illustrated advertisement. They featured scenes of people enjoying a bowl of cereal on the run such as a businessman on a train, boys at a baseball game and a woman eating in an office building elevator.
In January of 1991, the New York Times spotlighted the packaging of Breakfast On The Run in an article titled, "Packaging Becomes Critical in Luring Wary Customers." The piece described the packaging as being an advertisement unto itself, part of a trend where product packaging doubles as a food container and as promotional artwork to draw attention in supermarkets.
Company Description: Ralston was originally part of The Ralston-Purina Company which was formed in 1902. The name Ralston stems from a minor social movement in the late 19th Century called Ralstonism - created by Webster Edgerly. Followers of the movement (about 800,000) followed the motto "Regime, Activity, Light, Strength, Temperation, Oxygen and Nature" - the first letters of which spelled out "Ralston"... Read on and see all cereals from Ralston
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Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Breakfast On The Run?
By angela It looks cool. Love the drawings on the packaging.
Comment submitted: 4/16/2012 (#7242)

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