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Morning Energy - Cinnamon Crunch

Introduced in 2014
This cereal is from Post's Honey Bunches of Oats Product line. It's described on the front of the box as a "whole grain cereal (that provides) 6g protein, over 2/3 of your day's whole grains (and) 5g fiber per serving."
The back of the box encourages you to "Fuel your body with a breakfast that provides whole grain, fiber & protein for energy that lasts."
"Start your day with the tasty crunch of Honey Bunches of Oats Morning Energy Cereal. It's full of crispy flakes, crunchy oat clusters and a touch of wildflower honey. The combination of energizing whole grains, satisfying fiber, and protein helps get you going and keeps you going."
The first 6 ingredients listed on the side panel (as of January 2014) are whole grain wheat, whole grain rice, sugar, whole grain rolled oats, brown sugar and defatted wheat germ.

Also see Honey Bunches of Oats Chocolatey Almond Crunch Morning Energy which came out the same time as this cereal in January 2014.
Company Description: Founded by C.W. Post, the company began in 1895 in Battle Creek, Michigan under the name Postum Cereals. Their first product was a coffee substitute called Postum. The first breakfast cereal to come from the company was Grape-Nuts in 1897... Read on and see all cereals from Post

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