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General Mills >
Birthday Cake Cookie Crisp

Introduced in 2018
This limited edition cereal is described on the front of the box as a "naturally flavored sweetened cereal" with the "great taste of birthday cake cookies." Cookie Crisp mascot Chip The Wolf Dog is shown on the front digging into the cereal while holding 2 balloons and wearing a party hat.
The cereal pieces are tan wafers covered in colorful sprinkles. This cereal looks remarkably similar to a General Mills cereal that was introduced in 2009 called Sprinkles Cookie Crisp.

Company Description: Officially created in 1928, General Mills traces it's history back to the 1860's and the ownership of two flour mills. Since then, the company has become the world's 6th largest food company - marketing to over 100 countries... Read on and see all cereals from General Mills
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