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Honey Bunches of Oats: Apple Caramel Crunch

Introduced in 2019
This cereal is described on the front of the box as being "made with real apple slices... naturally flavored with other natural flavors." A picture of a juicy red apple and 4 melting caramel squares next to a spoonful of the cereal gives you an indication of what you're in for flavor-wise.
The back of the introductory box makes no mention of the new cereal, but instead promotes 4 other varieties of Honey Bunches of Oats.
A description of the cereal on HoneyBunchesOfOats.com reads as follows: "With real apple slices & caramel, Honey Bunches of Oats Apple Caramel Crunch is a cereal the whole family will love. One spoonful and you'll be adding this delicious cereal to every morning breakfast table."

The ingredients listed on the nutrition panel for Apple Caramel Crunch Honey Bunches of Oats are corn, whole grain wheat, sugar, whole grain rolled oats, rice, dried apples, canola oil, wheat flour, malted barley flour, cinnamon, corn syrup, salt, molasses, honey, barley malt extract, natural flavor, BHT added to preserve freshness, and a smattering of vitamins and minerals.

Company Description: Founded by C.W. Post, the company began in 1895 in Battle Creek, Michigan under the name Postum Cereals. Their first product was a coffee substitute called Postum. The first breakfast cereal to come from the company was Grape-Nuts in 1897... Read on and see all cereals from Post
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