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Cereal Project > General Mills > Crispy Wheaties 'n Raisins

Crispy Wheaties 'n Raisins
From: General Mills
Introduced in 1995

This was a revised version of General Mills' Crispy Wheat 'n Raisins Cereal, a formerly popular cereal whose sales were in the dumper by 1995.

Company Description: Officially created in 1928, General Mills traces it's history back to the 1860's and the ownership of two flour mills. Since then, the company has become the world's 6th largest food company - marketing to over 100 countries... Read on and see all cereals from General Mills

Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Crispy Wheaties 'n Raisins?

Overall Average Rating = 5 (out of 5)

By Dave RI

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Best. Cereal. Ever.

Comment submitted: 7/18/2018 (#23288)

By Poohbie

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Bring this great cereal back!

Comment submitted: 3/28/2017 (#21552)

By Lionhearted

This was the NEW name for Crispy Wheats n' Raisins.

Comment submitted: 2/18/2015 (#18559)

By Tokye!

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Please, please please bring back this kind of Wheaties. It was better than any of the brands of Raisin Bran.

Comment submitted: 1/2/2015 (#18298)

By Hungry5

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Bring them back!

Comment submitted: 10/12/2013 (#14840)

By Tokye

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

If this cereal was brought back out, it should be marketed as the cereal that does not go soggy even to the last bite because there is honey on the flakes which is a natural sweetener and is a great source of fiber since people are fiber freaks these days! I also loved that the raisins where not smothered in sugar! PLEASE BRING THIS CEREAL BACK!

Comment submitted: 10/7/2013 (#14667)

By Kokomo

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

I started everyday with a bowl of Crispy Wheaties And Raisins until they disappeared from the grocery store shelves. I've substituted with Total Raisin Bran ever since, but now that is getting hard to find. What's up?

Comment submitted: 3/9/2013 (#11167)

By cnote

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Are there any stores in Cleveland, Ohio that still sells Crispy Wheaties 'n Raisins? I'd really like to get some.

Comment submitted: 11/25/2012 (#10011)

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