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Malt-O-Meal >
Honey Nut Toasty O's

Introduced in 1985
This cereal was Malt-O-Meal's bargain priced version of General Mills' Honey Nut Cheerios. Packages of the cereal went so far as to urge consumer to compare the two cereals, boasting, "Betcha can't taste the difference." The name of cereal was later changed to Honey Nut Scooters and with that an even bolder claim was made: "Kids prefer the sweet taste of Scooters to Cheerios."
Company Description: The Malt-O-Meal Company dates back to 1919 when John S. Campbell developed a hot wheat breakfast cereal he called Malt-O-Meal. The company officially adopted the name The Malt-O-Meal Company in 1953. By 1965, the company had entered the ready-to-eat non-hot breakfast sector with the introduction of Puffed Rice and Puffed Wheat cereals.... Read on and see all cereals from Malt-O-Meal
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