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Cereal Project > Malt-O-Meal > Vanilla Cream Mini Spooners

Vanilla Cream Mini Spooners
From: Malt-O-Meal
Introduced in 2006

This cereal has been described on the box as a "lightly sweetened whole grain wheat cereal with natural and artificial flavor." It's Malt-O-Meal's bargain imitation version of Kellogg's Vanilla Creme Frosted Mini-Wheats.

Like many other Malt-O-Meal cereals, the package for this cereal often showed the kangaroo characters of Cool Blue and Lil' Oaty.

Company Description: The Malt-O-Meal Company dates back to 1919 when John S. Campbell developed a hot wheat breakfast cereal he called Malt-O-Meal. The company officially adopted the name The Malt-O-Meal Company in 1953. By 1965, the company had entered the ready-to-eat non-hot breakfast sector with the introduction of Puffed Rice and Puffed Wheat cereals.... Read on and see all cereals from Malt-O-Meal

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