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Diet Frosted Rice Puffs

Introduced in 1967
In 1967, Quaker introduced Diet Frost Rice Puffs and Diet Frosted Wheat Puffs simultaneously. The cereals were touted as the "breakfast of losers" in magazine ads. A one cup serving of the Rice cereal contained only 56 calories and the same size serving of the Wheat cereal had 51 calories. Despite these impressively numbers, the Diet Frosted line disappeared shortly after its introduction.
Diet Frost Rice Puffs and Diet Frosted Wheat Puffs were usually advertised in tandem. In one series of ads, the familiar hat-wearing white-haired Quaker man was featured saying, "I feel thinner already." Another ad showed a middle aged man proudly stretching a pair of pants that had become too large for his body.
Text from magazine ads:
Fewer calories than a cup of orange juice (and you don't even have to add sugar).
Quaker's two Diet Frosted cereals have fewer calories per serving than any other kind of cereal. A full cup of Diet Frosted Rice Puffs has only 56 calories. Wheat Puffs only 51. What's more, Diet Frosted is already sweetened to adult tastes. But not with sugar.
"I feel thinner already.
Quaker's new Diet Frosted has less calories per bowl than any other kind of cereal - less than half a grapefruit, even less than a slice of dry toast.
Because it is puffed, a full cup of sweetened Diet Frosted Rice puffs has only 56 calories. Diet Frosted Wheat Puffs has on 51.
The right diet begins with the right breakfast: Diet Frosted. Feel full, look skinny, be happy.
Diet Frosted is pre-sweetened but not with sugar."
Breakfast of losers.
Here they are. Quaker Diet Frosted Wheat Puffs and Quaker Diet Frosted Rice Puffs.
Not just one but two cereals made especially for people who'd like to lose a few pounds and still eat breakfast. (Or people who'd like to stay where they are, thank you, and still eat breakfast.
What we do - and we're the only ones who do it - is take puffs of wheat and puffs of rice and sweeten them - without sugar. A pretty splendid idea. Especially when you think one serving of Wheat or Rice Puffs is only 56 calories.
And what do these not-just-one-but-two Puffs taste like? Like you poured sugar all over them yourself. Like you're not on a diet.
Quaker Diet Frosted Wheat Puffs and Quaker Diet Frosted Rice Puffs. Two such happy ways to diet.
Click here to see all cereals from Quaker.
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Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Diet Frosted Rice Puffs?

I'd would have loved to give 'em a go... wonder what the ingredient list looked like.
Comment submitted: 12/1/2015 (#19707)

This is a great idea. I never got to try it (I was 4 in 1967). But why aren't their more diet cereals? Wouldn't that be a big hit? Yes it would!
Comment submitted: 2/20/2010 (#1461)

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