Cereal Project >
Annie's Homegrown >
Bunny Love

Introduced in 2007
This cereal was described on the box as a "Toasted Oat & Corn Cereal Made with Whole Oats - No Icky Additives or Pesky Preservative! A Good Source of Fiber." It's flavor was comparable to Cheerios.
The cereal pieces in Bunny Love cereal were shaped like rabbits, X's and O's or as the company's website refers to them "bunnies", hugs" and "kisses".
The name Bunny Love is a nod to the company's mascot, a rabbit named Bernie who appears in the company's logo with the text "Rabbit of Approval" and "Totally Natural".
Click here to see all cereals from Annie's Homegrown.

Bernie The Bunny
The rabbit that appears in the logo of Annie's Homegrown cereals is Bernie, a grey and white Dutch rabbit owned by the companies founder Annie Withey. According to the company's website, the rabbit's motto is "Be Hoppy!"
The rabbit that appears in the logo of Annie's Homegrown cereals is Bernie, a grey and white Dutch rabbit owned by the companies founder Annie Withey. According to the company's website, the rabbit's motto is "Be Hoppy!"
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