Cereal Project > Manischewitz > Frosted Flakes (Manischewitz)

Frosted Flakes (Manischewitz)
From: Manischewitz

This brand of Frosted Flakes was described as "Kosher for Passover" and as a "fat free and cholesterol free food."

The cereal box featured a Corn Flake wearing rainbow sunglasses, gloves and ice skates. At one time, the box read, "New Improved Recipe!"

Company Description: Manischewitz is the nation's largest manufacturer of processed kosher food products and the number one baker of matzo or unleavened bread in the world... Read on and see all cereals from Manischewitz

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Overall Average Rating = 3 (out of 5)

By cabbie

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Too sweet, oy vay!

Comment submitted: 1/22/2010 (#1260)

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