Steak, Egg & Cheese Hot Pockets
New Product Review:

Steak, Egg & Cheese Hot Pockets

From Nestle
Reviewed by Mr Breakfast on 11/14/2019

This product is described on the package as "High Protein Steak, Egg & Cheese Hot Pockets brand sandwiches with cheddar cheese & sauce in a crispy buttery crust." I found the crust neither crispy nor buttery, but it was tenders with a nice biscuit flavor.

These Hot Pockets are very cheesy with decent sized chunks of egg. The meat is flavorful. Best of all, the steak is not the least bit chewy as can be the case in other frozen food products. All of the flavors in these Hot Pockets work great together.

Steak, Egg & Cheese Hot Pockets Product Review

It's a bummer that each of these Hot Pockets has 30% of your recommended allowance of saturated fat and 28% of your daily sodium. But on the plus side, they provide 23% of your daily protein and have only 2 grams of sugar.

Steak, Egg & Cheese Hot Pockets in Reality

Truth be told, I prefer sausage and bacon Hot Pockets over this steak variety, but this is a really tasty product that's quite satisfying. If it looks good to you, you should try it, because it is good.

Nutritional Considerations: Each individual Steak, Egg & Cheese Hot Pocket has 280 calories, 11 grams total fat (6 grams saturated and 0 grams trans), 55 mg cholesterol, 660 mg sodium, 34 grams total carbs, less than 1 gram dietary fiber, 2 grams sugar and 12 gram protein.

The price we paid: $5.99

 (5 out of 7 Golden Eggs)
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