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Independent / Undefined >

Introduced in 1890
Korn Kinks was a malted corn flake cereal produced by the H-O Cereal Company of Buffalo, New York from around 1890 to 1910.
Korn Kinks has the distinction of being the most politically-incorrect cereal in our database. Ads for Korn Kinks featured the adventures of a young black girl named Kornelia Kinks and her family. The characters were illustrated as pre-war black stereotypes with bare feet, enlarged lips and bulging eyes.
Souvenir postcards from 1907 called "Jocular Jinks of Kornelia Kinks" have become a hot commodity among collectors of Black Americana. The postcards are a terrific study in early 1900's racism. The quotes on the cards say little about the cereal:
- "You smash dem Kinks - I'll spoil you' face chile"
- "Gran'pa done say dat his face it am old, so I'se give him dis new one and hopes he won't scold."
- "Maw, whar's your politeness? I told you befor' to never com'in till you knock on de door."
"If every member of every family only knew how this palatable flaky corn food 'braces' up the system - satisfies that weak 'gone feeling' and lays the foundation for the day, they would be eager to try it. It soothes - it satisfies - doesn't overheat the blood and digests easily - may be taken hot or cold - anywhere - any time. Even try it in your Grocer's store - merely a nickle."
Click here to see all cereals from Independent / Undefined.

Kornelia Kinks
Kornelia Kinks was the mascot for Korn-Kinks cereal around 1907.
In her book Raising Customers (2004), Lisa Jacobson described Kornelia as "a pickaninny with bulging eyes and exaggerated white lips... Repeated foiled in her attempts to abscond with a box of Korn Kinks cereal, Kornelia, unlike the precocious white children on other advertisements, never manages to get her way."
Kornelia Kinks was the mascot for Korn-Kinks cereal around 1907.
In her book Raising Customers (2004), Lisa Jacobson described Kornelia as "a pickaninny with bulging eyes and exaggerated white lips... Repeated foiled in her attempts to abscond with a box of Korn Kinks cereal, Kornelia, unlike the precocious white children on other advertisements, never manages to get her way."
Additional Images
1907 Kornelia Kinks Souvenir Postcard #3
Submitter: Mr Breakfast
Uploaded: 9/30/2008
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1907 Kornelia Kinks Souvenir Postcard #2
Submitter: Mr Breakfast
Uploaded: 9/30/2008
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1907 Kornelia Kinks Souvenir Postcard #1
Submitter: Mr Breakfast
Uploaded: 9/30/2008
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Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Korn-Kinks?
By PublicEnemy009 Interesting cereal!
Comment submitted: 4/12/2020 (#25060)
By Terry4
I have a boxed word game titled Kornelia Kinks At Jamestown: Her funny adventures at the exposition. Made by Milton Bradley Co. Springfield, Mass. I cannot find records of this word game in the MB historical record though. Does anyone have more info for me. The game directions state Copyright 1907.
Comment submitted: 2/19/2015 (#18564)

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