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Nabisco >

Introduced in 1958
We know that this simple shredded wheat cereal was available in 1958 and 1959. The characters on the front of the boxes were called Spoonmen. They were individually named Munchy, Crunchy and Spoon-Size. Munchy - the leader of the group, also appeared on boxes of Nabisco's Spoon Size Shredded Wheat cereal.
Know premiums: Official Spoonman Telescope; Rin Tin Tin Magic Ring; Wild Game Trophy; and Plastic Spoonman cereal spoon sitters.
Company Description: Nabisco's history dates back to 1898 when three bakery conglomerates merged to form The National Biscuit Company - comprised of 114 bakeries. In 1901, The National Biscuit Company introduced the Nabisco Cracker. It wasn't until 1971 that the company changed it's name to Nabisco... Read on and see all cereals from Nabisco
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Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Juniors?
By atticrat59 Just bought a Jr. Cereal box - has all spoon sitters on front. But on the back is a cut out aircraft carrier with jet plane. In fact, that is what is posted on the front of the box. Can't seem to find anything on it. Complete box, sold for 18 cents. Do you guys know anything about it? Thanks.
Comment submitted: 3/24/2017 (#21538)

Grampa got me on this one, baited by the free spoon sitter toy inside the box I had to eat about a dozen boxes to get a full set. It was how I knew gramp's shredded wheat was tasteless, and that he was full of fiber.
Comment submitted: 4/16/2011 (#4679)

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