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Cereal Project > Nabisco > Wheat Honeys

Wheat Honeys
From: Nabisco
Introduced in 1954

  • Wheat Honey began life as Ranger Joe Popped Wheat Honnies in the early 1940's. The invention of a Philadelphia heating-equipment salesman, Popped Wheat Honeys was the very first sugar-coated cereal. The brand was purchased by the National Biscuit Company in 1954 at which time the name of the cereal was changed.

This cereal and its partner cereal, Rice Honeys, started out as Ranger Joe Wheat Honnies and Ranger Joe Rice Honnies in 1939. The National Biscuit Company (later known as Nabisco) bought the Ranger Joe cereals in 1954 and changed their names to Wheat Honeys and Rice Honeys.

In the late 1960's, sales of the Honeys cereals began to sag. In 1971, in an attempt to revive the cereals, the names were changed again, this time to Winnie-The-Pooh Great Honey Crunchers, which came in both wheat and rice varieties. Despite a barrage of marketing centered around the Winnie-The-Pooh character, the cereals' sales continued to disappoint.

Nabisco gave the cereals one last shot. About a year after the Pooh incarnations were introduced, the cereals changed names for the last time, this time to Klondike Pete's Crunchy Nuggets, rice and wheat.

In 1975, Klondike Pete's Crunchy Nuggets were discontinued and the cereals that had existed under one name or another for 36 years were finally gone.

Click here to see all cereals from Nabisco.


Buffalo Bee
Buffalo Bee

This rootin' tootin' cowboy-bee (or cowbee) started representing Wheat Honeys and Rice Honeys cereals in 1954.

In TV ads, he was known to knock on your televisions screen and say, in a high-pitch Texas drawl, "I'm Buffalo Bee. Take my advice. Get Nabisco Wheat Honey's. Also Rice."

Buffalo Bee was replaced by a less-tough bee named Buddy Bee around 1965.

Wheat Honeys Cereal Theater

Now Showing: 1960's Wheat Honeys Ad

Additional Images
These are the most recent images. Click here to see all pictures for Wheat Honeys.

Wheat Honeys Two Stage Rocket
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Wheat Honeys Two Stage Rocket

Submitter: Mr Breakfast
Uploaded: 11/7/2016

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Wheat Honeys Buzzing Bee
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Wheat Honeys Buzzing Bee

Submitter: jeffrey
Uploaded: 12/19/2010

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Wheat Honeys Jungle Pals
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Wheat Honeys Jungle Pals

Submitter: jeffrey
Uploaded: 11/9/2010

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Wheat Honeys Chimney Sweep Box
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Wheat Honeys Chimney Sweep Box

Submitter: jeffrey
Uploaded: 11/9/2010

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Buffalo Bee Fun Page
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Buffalo Bee Fun Page

Submitter: jeffrey
Uploaded: 10/16/2010

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Rice And Wheat Honeys Overseas Dolls
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Rice And Wheat Honeys Overseas Dolls

Submitter: jeffrey
Uploaded: 9/10/2010

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Wheat Honeys Oversea Dolls
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Wheat Honeys Oversea Dolls

Submitter: jeffrey
Uploaded: 9/8/2010

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Wheat & Rice Honeys Breakfast Buddies
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Wheat & Rice Honeys Breakfast Buddies

Submitter: jeffrey
Uploaded: 9/8/2010

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There's More Pictures! See all images for Wheat Honeys cereal

Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Wheat Honeys?

Overall Average Rating = 5 (out of 5)

By melissa

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

My very favorite cereal of my entire childhood! Large toasty puffs of wheat with a crunchy glaze of just-right sweetness! The dinosaurs and sea creature toys are the ones I remember most... they were really great and high quality toys and they made opening each new box really fun and exciting! No other sweetened puffed wheat cereal has ever come close to these!

Comment submitted: 10/2/2018 (#23545)

By Davenph

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

I have fond memories of eating both cereals. I liked the Rice Honeys a little better than the Wheat Honeys, but I ate them both. I collected the dinosaurs & baseball figures.

Comment submitted: 2/12/2016 (#19957)

By Don

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Around 1958, you could assemble two separate baseball teams (if you ate enough cereal). Each box of Wheat or Rice Honeys would contain a "free" figure of a baseball player. All were posed differently to represent each position on the field. There was a blue team and a yellow team. Got 'em all!

Comment submitted: 3/10/2014 (#16325)

Official Member: Team BreakfastBy motherkitty (Team Breakfast Member)

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Wheat Honeys was my first cereal I remember as a kid, and the best one I have ever eaten. The toys you got in the box were great. Sugar Smacks is the closest I have found to my Wheat Honeys, but doesn't quite make it. I wish it could be brought back. Sincerely a 55 year old, who wants the OLD times back again.

Comment submitted: 3/24/2012 (#6938)

By Jose P.

My all-time favorite cereal and the dinosaurs were my favorite toy. Bring them back both!

Comment submitted: 3/17/2012 (#6856)

By Dave Linck

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Absolutely the best tasting 60's cereal!

Comment submitted: 10/12/2011 (#5479)

By Desert Pete

Cereal Rating (out of 5):

Wheat Honeys, and to a lesser degree Rice Honeys, were the dark and sultry cousins of Sugar Smacks. They were syrupy and sticky and just amazingly good!

Comment submitted: 11/13/2009 (#899)

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