Cereal Project >
Independent / Undefined >

Introduced in 1912
From Mapl-Flake Mills of Battle Creek, Michigan.
Promoted as "the food that keeps you well", Mapl-Flake was a bran flake cereal flavored with maple.
According to ads, "Mapl-Flake is a perfectly balanced food; it is the whole wheat, flaked and baked until each flake is really a miniature piece of toast. The bran is left on; it supplies the 'rough stuff' which stimulates natural digestion and elimination. And the delicious maple flavor enhances the wholesome taste of wheat."
Company Description: The company classification of "Independent / Undefined" is a catch-all for several cereals in our database. This category includes 1) cereals from smaller companies with a near-national distribution; 2) cereals whose manufacturer we've been unable to determine; and 3)... Read on and see all cereals from Independent / Undefined
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Comments About This Cereal
What do you think of Mapl-Flake?
By JackCrofootJr The Company was started in Battle Creek, by Wm. I Fell (who later started the Michigan Carton Company) and Hiland George Butler (President of the Seventh Day Adventist Denomination which was headquartered in Battle Creek at that time). The Company changed hands many times since 1912 finally ending up in the hands of the Ralston Purina Co.
Comment submitted: 12/25/2019 (#24746)

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