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Puppets Caramel Flavored Wheat Puffs

Introduced in 1966
The 10-inch tall cereal containers for Puppet's came in the shapes of Mickey Mouse, Donald Duck, Winnie-The-Pooh and Kanga and Roo (from Winnie-The-Pooh). After the cereal was finished, the containers were supposed to act as banks with punch-out coin slots located on the back of the containers.
While Puppets is listed here as its own cereal, this item could be included under Wheat Honeys Cereal in our database. Puppets was essentially Wheat Honeys cereal in a special container.
Click here to see all cereals from Nabisco.
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Mickey Mouse Puppets Container - Front
Submitter: leprican_katie
Uploaded: 7/19/2008
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