Mr Breakfast Salutes

Manchester, New Hampshire

Reviews of breakfast restaurants and places that serve breakfast in Manchester.

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Golden Egg Rating

Airport Diner
2289 Brown Ave.
Attached to the Holiday Inn

Belmont Hall and Restaurant
On the corner of Belmont and Grove Street

Chez Vachon
Kelly Street

Kelley Street, Manchester

Hillview Restaurant
270 Amory Street in Gosselin's Plaza on the west side.

Jewell & The Beanstalk
793 Somerville Street
(Corner of Somerville and Taylor)

North Elm St.

Red Arrow Diner
61 Lowell St
Manchester, NH

Gone But Not Forgotten
The following restaurants were reviewed but are now closed.

Andy's Place (Closed)
342 Cypress Street

Mr Breakfast Salutes Manchester
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