Cereal Home > Cereal Companies > Weetabix
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Weetabix Limited began operations in England in 1932. They entered the U.S. market in 1981 with the purchase of the Van Brode Milling Company. In 1986, they acquired Barbara's Bakery.
The cereals with the Weetabix company name in our database include those Weetabix cereals that are or were produced in the U.S. and those that are exclusively found in the U.K., but are often mistakenly found on lists of U.S. cereals.
Cereal Spotlight:
Weetabix CerealIntroduced in 1932
This pressed wheat biscuit cereal originated in Australia in the 1920's. The cereal was invented either by a man named Bennison Osborne or a Melbourne baker named Edward Halsey... Read More More Weetabix Cereals:
For more about Weetabix, visit their official website.
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