Breakfast In A Jar Gift Ideas

- Be sure to wash and dry any jars (especially new ones) before you use them to make super cool gifts.
- A rolled-up piece of paper makes an excellent funnel for pouring ingredients into your jar.
- It's a good idea to pack down each layer of ingredients to be sure everything will fit. A laddle or your hand are good tools to use.
- Be sure to include directions to make the recipes. I like to print out a gift instruction card on MrBreakfast.com (found at the bottom of specific recipe pages).
- A single bow on top of a jar is the easiest way to make your gift look beautiful.
- A thin piece of patterned cloth tied around the jar lid or wedged under the outter ring of the jar lid always looks great. Both square pieces and round pieces cut about twice the size of the jar lid work fine. I like to buy a cheap table cloth (not vinyl) and cut that up. I use the left over cloth as very fancy wrapping paper for other gifts. Cut a thin stip of the cloth and tie it around the cloth for a very nice effect.
- For the deluxe package, attach a new spatuala, a minature bottle of maple syrup, an oven mit or other related item to your jar.
- No jars? Use a decorative bag. Are paper bags with pictures drawn on them and plastic bags with ribbon considered decorative? Oh my! They are considered the most decorative!

"For my gifts of breakfast, I like to make a big batch of granola. Then, I go to the Mr Breakfast Cereal Box Making Tool. I upload a picture of my friend. Then I name the cereal something clever like "Hug Your Uncle-Os". Then I print it out, snip along the edges, put it together and fill it with treats. It's the coolest."
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Pancake Mix Recipes
- Blueberry Pancake Mix
- Cinnamon Pancake Mix
- Cinnamon Oat Pancake Mix
- Gingerbread Pancake Mix
- Whole-Wheat Pancake Mix
- Mixed Berry Multigrain Pancake Mix
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- Cherry Nut Granola
- Cranberry Granola
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- Ginger Snap Granola
- Gitche Gumee Granola
- Jim's Super Granola
- Mango Ginger Granola
- More Homemade Cereals!
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- Homemade Pancakes
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- Easy Cheese Omelet
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- How To Boil Eggs
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- Banana Bread
- Coffee Cake
- Homemade Granola
- Making Muffins
- Crockpot Breakfasts
- Breakfast Pies
- Breakfast In Bed
- Quick Breakfasts
- Toast Tutorial
- Low-carb Breakfasts
- Why You Should Eat Breakfast
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